
After a slow start, blogging rapidly gained in popularity. Blog usage spread during 1999 and the years following, being further popularized by the near-simultaneous arrival of the first hosted blog tools.


A wiki is a website that provides collaborative modification of its content and structure directly from the web browser. In a typical wiki, text is written using a simplified markup language (known as "wiki markup"), and often edited with the help of a rich-text editor.


A podcast is a form of digital media that consists of an episodic series of audio, video, digital radio, PDF, or ePub files subscribed to and downloaded automatically through web syndication or streamed online to a computer or mobile device.

Social software

Increasingly, social software is being included in academic delivery to help with both formal assessments and with formative and/or self-help assessments that encompass peer-to-peer learning.

Smart connection

a wireless communication technology.

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What is a podcast? according to  wikipedia  ...   Wha...

Friday, June 10, 2016


education is ...

Thursday, June 9, 2016

I want to use my cellphone

Ok, now some student maybe do not have the time or a computer in order to make a recording but that is no a problem you can use your cell phone. let´s see how your cellphone can be a powerful tool to create a podcast.

     First of all we need to have in our cell phones an application to record audio I advise you to use Audio recorder because this app is really simple and easy to use.

     This video will give you step by step all the instruction of how to create your own podcast using your cell phone.

How to Make an Easy Podcast

    If we have internet and a computer we can use this web page 
 it is really easy to use. here we are going to gide you step by step so let´s begin

first enter in the web page from your computer click here to visit the web site. ok now that you are in the web page you are going to see a this window and this red big button.

you have to push it and you will be able to record your conversation some times the web page ask for permission of use your microphone and camera you have to accept that window is like this.

after you record you podcast you have to save the file so you have to click in this buttom 

then, you have to click in the  button that says "haga clic para guardar"

 and a new window will apper in your computer

now you download your file to your computer

the file is a .mp3 file so it will be reproduce by almost any electronic device

Blog and Wikis activity


1.       working in groups and using the information of the wikipedia links discus about one of the following topics :

(GROUP1) Educational Technology:

(GROUP 2) Technolgy Integration:

(GROUP 3) Computers In The Classroom:

2     Answer the following questions:


What does educational technology refer?
Whicha are some of  the aspects using to describe the intellectual and technical development of educational technology?

Group 2:

What is technolgy integration?
What can technology integration support in the classroom?


What does the use of  computers in the classroom  replace?
Why does the use of computers in the classroom encrease?

3       Post in this entry the answers of those questions using the following format:

Group number
Answer question 1
Answer question 2

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Some characteristics.

A wiki invites all users to edit any page or to create new pages within the wiki Web site.
Wiki promotes meaningful topic associations between different pages by making page link creation.
A wiki is not a carefully crafted site for casual visitors. Instead, it seeks to involve the visitor in an ongoing process of creation and collaboration that constantly changes the Web site landscape.

What do wikis permit?

Some wiki engines are open sources, whereas others are proprietary.
 Some permit control over different functions (levels of access)
for example, editing rights may permit changing, adding or removing material.
Others may permit access without enforcing access control.

 Other rules may also be imposed to organize content.

Some popular wikis are:

More About Wikipedia

  •  People are able to see the changes in the articles.

  • If someone wants to edit an article he or she must have an account.

  • Some of the articles cannot be edited by all the people.

Podcast activity

Create groups of three members and listen carefully the next podcast.

Expression: When pigs fly

After listening the podcast discuss about how usefully are those two expressions and provide some examples. After that, create a short conversation using that expressions.

homework in groups of four.

Each group  have to create a conversation about how to use podcasts, wikis and blogs. After that,recording it and then the group have to upload it as a podcast following the next steps:

You can use either  your computer or your cellphone



What is a podcast?

according to wikipedia ...


What do I need?

Then                                      Now

-recorder machine                  -computer
-microphone                            -smartphone
-headphone                              -speakers
-speakers                                  -NFC
-cassets                                     -internet
-tape deck


Advantages of using Podcasts in education:

Ease of Accessibility
Archive of lessons
Learning on the go
Creative learning

What are some problems that may arise?

-If not monitored, podcasting can be misused by its users. 

-Students may not pay attention in class to a lecture as they feel the material is already available elsewhere. 

-They may also try to prepare for an exam based on the podcasted material alone.